COVID-19 Update August 4
8/4/21 COVID Update: Today we received report of 1 resident positive for COVID. At this time admissions, visitation, communal dining, activities, and hairdresser are on hold until we can identify if there may be additional cases. We are hopeful that this is an isolated case as exposure to others was very limited. Today we began universal testing of all residents and staff. We will repeat testing again next week until we can assure that the facility is clear of additional cases for 14 days. At this time we will also need to postpone our 10 year Anniversary Celebration. Please check back later for the rescheduled date. As always if your loved ones test does result in a positive report, you will be notified individually and right away. If you have any questions, please reach out to Vickie Kilmer or Patty Weaver at 717-334-6249.